Gala Guests
Four easy steps to start making money
Property Setup

Our team at Gala Guests does all the steps necessary to get your property up and running as a vacation rental.

Dynamic Pricing

Our AI and dynamic algorithm takes care of pricing for you, from flash deals, seasonal offers, to extended.

Multi-channel Marketing

Gala Guests proudly promotes your property on our social media, our email newsletters, and our other marketing channels.

Owner Portal

Monitor your properties, rentals, stays, profits, and more on our comprehensive Owner Portal.

Use your property

Transform your property into a vacation rental and make it someone’s dream vacation home.

Increase your ROI

Short-term rentals can lead to a bigger return of investment compared to residential rentals especially in prime tourist spots such as Dubai.

Payout monthly

Gala Guests has a commitment to bringing you your profits in a timely and punctual manner. Get your property rental payout every 1st of the month.

Fill out the form and we'll be in touch soon!

How we can help you?

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